Greenfield Township has a Municipal Authority which handles the day-to-day operations of the Township public water and sewer operations and treatment. The Municipal Authority Board has five members that are appointed by the Township Supervisors for a five-year term. Regular meetings are open to the public and are on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Municipal Authority Building located at 1342 Bedford Street, Claysburg, PA.
Office hours are Monday – Friday, from 9:30 am to 3 pm. Water and sewer bills can be placed in the office mail slot or paid online at https://gtma.authoritypay.com. Authority staff can be reached by calling 814/239-5778 or by email at gtma@atlanticbb.net. For water emergencies, please call the emergency number at 814/317-9984.
Board Members:
Boye Hershberger 969 Ski Gap Road Claysburg PA 16625 814/239-5918 Member since November 2015 Term expires 12/31/2022 Vince Dodson 147 Penndale Avenue Claysburg PA 16625 814/239-5516 Member since January 2004 Term expires 12/31/2023 Jordan Oldham 399 Bedford Street Claysburg PA 16625 814/239-2384 Member since January 2020 Term expires 12/31/2024 Jonathan Furry, Chairman 195 Slate Drive East Freedom PA 16637 814/317-7979 Member since August 2014 Term expires 12/31/2025 Vernon Walter, Vice-Chair 123 Slate Drive East Freedom PA 16637 814/239-8347 Member since January 1997 Term expires 1/3/2027