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Visiting the Park

Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19 When Visiting the Park

Staying physically active is one of the best ways to keep your mind and body healthy.  In many areas, people can visit parks, trails, and open spaces as a way to relieve stress, some fresh air, and vitamin D, stay active, and safely connect with others.

Know Before You Go:  While parks can offer health benefits, it is important that you follow the steps below to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.


  • Visit parks that are close to your home.  Traveling long distances to visit a park may contribute to the spread of COVID-19.
  • Prepare before you visit – is the park open, as well as bathroom facilities.
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from others (“social Distancing”) and take other steps to prevent COVID-19.
  • Bring hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

Do Not:

  • Visits parks if you are sick or were recently exposed (within 14 days) to COVID-19
  • Visit crowded parks where you cannot stay at least 6 feet away from others at all times.
  • Use playgrounds – The virus can spread when young children touch contaminated equipment and then touch their hands to their eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Participate in organized activities or sports – In general, most organized activities such as basketball and baseball, involve athletes who are not from the same household to be in close proximity, which increases their potential for exposure to COVID-10.

Please remember to use “social distancing” when you visit the Claysburg Area Community Park. Especially, at the basketball court and pavilions.

Stimulus Check Scam Alert

The state Departments of Revenue and Banking and Securities are warning Pennsylvanians about phishing scams targeting people who are expecting a stimulus payment from the federal government.

The Internal Revenue Service has reported seeing a surge of scam artists perpetrating phishing schemes in which they pose as government officials to trick people into turning over their banking information.

Pennsylvanians should never give direct deposit or other banking information to anyone who contacts them on the phone, through email or text messages, or on social media. More details about this scam are available here. 

Stay At Home for all of Pennsylvania

This afternoon, Governor Wolf extended the Stay At Home order to all of Pennsylvania. This order is due to the increased number of coronavirus cases in the state. What does this mean for us? Residents are urged to only leave home for essential living items and refrain from non-essential travel. The State’s Department of Health suggests trying to get your groceries once a week instead of several stops. Essential travel would be going to work (essential employees), going to the grocery store and pharmacy, checking on family, and caring for animals. We are allowed to go outside to enjoy the weather or exercise while practicing social [physical] distancing. Travel to schools for meals and supplies is permitted. Avoid going to gatherings or having them. Remember the primary goal is to keep people safe and stop the spread of the disease. Also, remember to stay calm, stay home, and stay safe.

Here is a link to the PA Department of Health for more information:

Consumers Can Report Price Gouging Tips Online

Consumers Can Report Price Gouging Tips Online

Pennsylvania’s Price Gouging Act prohibits companies and vendors from charging a price for consumer goods greater than 20 percent higher than the price before an emergency declaration. Consumers can report violations of price gouging laws to the Attorney General by email at [email protected].

Consumers can also submit a complaint by reporting the name and price of the product and the name and location of the store or vendor online here.

Claysburg Area Community Park Project

Have you noticed the construction at the park?  The Greenfield Township Board of Supervisors and staff are very excited about this project.  This project will improve several areas at the Claysburg Area Community Park.  If you have ever been to the park after it’s rain, you are aware of the drainage problem, especially at the playground and swing set areas.  The project includes a drainage system in the playground area and above the playground.  A pathway from the basketball court parking area to the restroom area will be created.  Paved accessible parking spaces will be installed at the parking areas by the restroom building, the basketball courts, and the softball field.  Plus, there will be a path from the handicapped spaces to the bleacher at the softball field.

The swing set and large play equipment areas are going to be leveled for easier access.  There is going to be a new swing set and a new 16′ play equipment. You will need to come to the park to see what it is!

The gazebo will have a new ramp.  The path around the gazebo, pavilions, and the restrooms will be paved to remove the lip.   The restroom facility will have a lot of improvements.  There will be automated doors and auto flushes.  Most of the interior fixtures will be lower or adjusted to meet ADA standards.  All the work will be done in time for the park’s opening, the end of May 2020.

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Greenfield Township is fortunate to have a Community Development Block Grant ($135,000), Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Small Communities Grant ($50,000), Blair County Parks & Recreation Grant ($3,000), and township funds to make this project possible.  We are grateful for all of these funding sources.

A Note to our residents about COVID-19

COVID-19 Prevention Tips

On behalf of the Greenfield Township Board of Supervisors and staff, I want to assure you that the health and safety of you and your family is our priority. Our thoughts are with all who have been affected by the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). We feel it’s important to follow the proper steps to prevent the spread of germs to our community. We want you to know the township staff is taking the necessary steps by increasing our cleaning and disinfecting at the community center, township offices, and equipment. The CDC provides the following guidelines:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover a cough or sneeze – preferably with a disposable tissue.
  • Avoid touching your face – especially your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects.
  • Stay home if you have flu-like symptoms.

If you are experiencing a fever, a cough, or shortness of breath, please call your doctor. If you have been around someone who has been in an area with coronavirus cases, please contact your doctor’s office.

Доставить жене рождественский подарок, который ей понравится (и который не захочет сразу променять на что-то большее, что ей по вкусу), непросто. Хотя может показаться, что подарить жене на день святого валентина что у нее уже есть все свои любимые вещи, есть еще много продуманных идей рождественских подарков для жен, у которых есть все, если вы знаете, где искать.
Сделайте покупки в праздничные дни заранее, воспользовавшись специальными предложениями и советами экспертов, которые будут доставлены прямо на ваш телефон. Подпишитесь на рассылку текстовых сообщений от команды поиска сделок на Reviewed. Итак, какие рождественские подарки для жен лучше всего? Вы пришли в нужное место. Здесь, в Reviewed, мы протестировали огромное количество продуктов, от спа для ног до фитнес-трекеров и всего остального. Является ли ваша любовь гурманом или полным книжным червем (и просто наслаждается большим сюрпризом), вот лучшие праздничные подарки для жен, которые обязательно заставят их улыбнуться и принесут вам титул лучшего супруга всех времен.

As always, thank you for being a Greenfield Township resident.

More information about the COVID-19 is available from the CDC’s website:

PA Public Utility Commission (PUC)

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) distributes the Unconventional Gas Well Funds to counties and municipalities on July 1st every year. Per Act 13 Reporting Requirements, municipalities are required by law to report the municipality approved budget by March 1st and unconventional gas well fund usage by April 15th at the PUC website.

The 2018 Unconventional Gas Well Funds received by Greenfield Township, Blair County in July 2019 were used for Emergency Preparedness/Public Safety purposes. Greenfield Township received $2,460 in the above-mentioned funds. Here are recent annual reports: 2018 2017

Доставить жене рождественский подарок, который ей понравится (и который не захочет сразу променять на что-то большее, что ей по вкусу), непросто. Хотя может показаться, что подарить жене на день святого валентина что у нее уже есть все свои любимые вещи, есть еще много продуманных идей рождественских подарков для жен, у которых есть все, если вы знаете, где искать.
Сделайте покупки в праздничные дни заранее, воспользовавшись специальными предложениями и советами экспертов, которые будут доставлены прямо на ваш телефон. Подпишитесь на рассылку текстовых сообщений от команды поиска сделок на Reviewed. Итак, какие рождественские подарки для жен лучше всего? Вы пришли в нужное место. Здесь, в Reviewed, мы протестировали огромное количество продуктов, от спа для ног до фитнес-трекеров и всего остального. Является ли ваша любовь гурманом или полным книжным червем (и просто наслаждается большим сюрпризом), вот лучшие праздничные подарки для жен, которые обязательно заставят их улыбнуться и принесут вам титул лучшего супруга всех времен.

To see previous reports, please go to You do not need to login. On the heading line, select Reports (4th item over), scroll down and select Government Spending by County/Municipality. Fill in the required fields and click on View. Reports are 2 years behind, as required by law.

Stormwater Management Seminar for Property Owners – 3/30/20 CANCELED


Do you have flooding in your yard? Water in your basement? Senator Judy Ward and Representative Lou Schmitt invite area property owners to attend a seminar about Stormwater Management. Hope to see you there!

The issue is not really the sex problem or even condition on its own but whether it be bothersome or perhaps troubling for the person or maybe partners included. One person within the relationship may possibly prefer distinct sexual items than the various other spouse which will make the other partner uncomfortable. Inside other occasions, sexual problems might be due to the sex preferences of any spouse, published here.

Seminar flyer

2020 Census

2020 Census logo

Every 10 years, the @uscensusbureau undertakes a mammoth task: counting all the people residing in the United States. This count affects the allocation of funding for our community’s public resources (e.g., roads, hospitals, schools), how we plan for the future, and our voice in government. Learn more about the importance of #2020Census and how to participate:

Census count students classroom

The honorable second place is taken by MGM Resorts. To the Russian-speaking public pin up, the corporation may be better known as the Metro Goldwyn Mayer film studio. Subsidiaries bring in up to $ 10 billion a year. MGM ranks third in the world rating of successful gambling companies, owns the largest Las Vegas club MGM Grand, as well as the Bellagio, Circus Circus, Excalibur casinos. The holding owns MGM Macau in Macau and other gambling houses outside the United States.

It is important for EVERY person in EVERY household to be counted to ensure Greenfield Township will receive the money we need to be able to serve you for the next 10 years. The amount of money Greenfield Township receives from PennDOT for road maintenance is based on the number of people who are counted in our municipality in the Census. Also, your census answers are protected by law and cannot be shared with anyone.

Bedford Street: Winter Weather Parking Restrictions

Blair County maintains Bedford Street and Everett Road (CR101).  The County’s has updated Ordinance 1-98 with County Ordinance 1-2019.  In summary, once the County declares winter weather parking restrictions, special parking is required on Bedford Street between Polecat Hollow Road and Oakdale RoadAll motor vehicles shall be parked on the east side (same side as the post office) of the street beginning at 8:00 p.m. in the evening, and the west side (same side as the library) of the street beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the morning.  When a vehicle is in violation of the County ordinance, the vehicle can be towed, as well as fined.  The County will announce and cancel the winter weather parking restriction by texting, radio, television, County website, or other available media.  Click here Blair County Ordinance 1-2019 Winter Weather Parking Restrictions – County Road 101 for more details.