An ordinance is a local law of general or permanent nature. An Ordinance is created to protect the rights, safety, and comfort of the residents. Usually, an ordinance is enacted in response to problems and complaints, as well as state law requirements. An ordinance stays on the books until it is amended or repealed by another ordinance enacted by a later board or council. Here are several of Greenfield Township’s ordinances:
Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) 2002-03
Floodplain Ordinance (updated) 2018-03
Floodplain Ordinance 2012-01
Fire Insurance Escrow Ordinance 2019-04
Driveway Permit Ordinance 2007-03
Building Permit in Flood Zone Areas Ordinance 1982-01
Uniform Construction Code (UCC) Ordinance 2004-05
Red Tag Ordinance 2019-03
Nuisance Ordinance 1990-05
Nuisance Ordinance 2014-01 (amends 1990-05 ordinance)
Nuisance Ordinance 2019-02 (updated)
Opening Burning Ordinance (updated) 2018-04
Opening Burning Ordinance Amended 2020-03
Opening Burning Ordinance 2004-04
Peddlers’ Permit Ordinance 2010-13
Peddler’s Permit Amendment Ordinance 2016-01
Weight Limit Ordinance 1972-01
Board of Supervisors’ Compensation Ordinance 2017-01
Parking, Traffic & Snow Removal Ordinance 2011-01
Volunteer Firefighter Tax Credit Ordinance 2021-01
Greenfield Township Solar Electric Facility Ordinance 2023-01