During the winter months,
The snowplow blades on most of the trucks are 10-12 feet in width and just 3-4 feet in height, which creates a great deal of force when plowing the snow. The driver must adjust the vehicle speed according to various conditions such as heavy or wet snow, ice, or residential areas. When the plow goes by, it has to throw the snow somewhere, and that is your front yard.
Snowplow drivers work long and hard hours to ensure the safety of the roads. Their goal is to keep our roads clear so you and your family can travel safely and without major delays. The Township provides winter maintenance to more than 23 miles of road.
Township Supervisors encourage residents to place their mailboxes 6-8 feet from roadways and to inspect them to guarantee that they are sturdy and in good repair. If your mailbox is not strong enough to withstand snow being thrown at it, it is going to fall over.
When mailboxes are placed in the State, County, or Township right-of-way, government agencies are not responsible for any damage caused by road maintenance or snowplowing to any private property located in the right-of-way.
Please remember not to shovel or push snow and ice onto the roadway when clearing your driveway, sidewalk, or street parking area.